How Dota 2 MMR is Being Calibrated.

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Many of Dota 2 players has asked on how their Dota 2 MMR or matchmaking rating being calibrated during their first 10 games in ranked matchmaking. Well in my observation, Dota 2 MMR is calibrated with your game skill, game tactics or performance and fantasy points. Your game skill is very important in a game, it is whether your execution of your hero's skill or ability in the game was the right thing to do in a certain team fight situation of the game or not, or is it whether your creep score, assists and movements in the game were good or enough. There is decision making in playing Dota 2 right? So every moves and every skill casted in a certain team fight situation matters in matchmaking rating calibration. Some players also said that KDA also matters in MMR calibration and they said that having good KDA in a game gives you a big impact in raising your ranked matchmaking rating during in your calibration games. Here are some MMR analysis experiment result.

a.) Carry Heroes - Trying to win every game. (Got 2,600 Rating)
b.) Carry Heroes - High K/D/A (Got 3,200)
c.) Support Heroes - Trying to win every game. (Got 2,500)
d.) Support Heroes - High K/D/A (Got 3,000)

I don't think that K/D/A (Kill / Death / Assists) really matters in MMR calibration because there are some players that plays support heroes in their ranked matchmaking rating calibration but in the end they receive a higher MMR rating than those who plays carry heroes in MMR calibration, that is why I don't think that KDA is one of the factors in calibrating your matchmaking rating. I think fantasy points is really one of the factors in MMR calibration. Try to spectate a game or watch a Dota 2 game replay, you will see a fantasy points graph category by pressing the "I" key in your keyboard. By viewing the fantasy points graph you will be able to see who has the highest highest fantasy points in a certain match and sometimes you will see that the hero that has the highest worth or in the top of net worth in the game is not in the top of fantasy points graph. Therefor hero's wealth is not a basis of having a higher fantasy points in the game and fantasy points is being measured from your own game skill and how you execute your hero in the game.

One of my friend have wandered that he had won 8 games from 10 games of ranked matchmaking calibration but received 2,500 rating only while his other friend had only won 4 games out of 10 ranked matchmaking calibration games but received 3,100 rating. So my observation regarding in their MMR calibration win rate matches result is that winning a match during your MMR calibration is not the basis to get a higher MMR rating result. It is based more on your gaming skill and fantasy points. Some players had lost their 10 games of calibration but got 4,600 rating and they said that ranked matchmaking calibration also differs in your previous normal matches, that's before you have started your first ranked matchmaking game. There is also what they call hidden MMR, before you start your ranked matchmaking calibration you already have your hidden rating of 1,500 and the rest of the MMR result is based on your ranked matchmaking calibration. The more experience you have in playing Dota then the bigger rating you will get. Yes, I agree with this statement, so I advice you to play normal matches first before playing ranked matchmaking if you want a higher MMR because your first game calibration is also one of the basis of your MMR rating calibration. There are a lot of factors in calibrating your MMR. These are from my ranked matchmaking rating calibration study, experiment and observation.
How Dota 2 MMR is Being Calibrated. How Dota 2 MMR is Being Calibrated. Reviewed by Djardei on 1:17 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. hi peenoy. i started with 4.1k mmr after tbd. now at 5.2k solo mmr. goodluck peenoy. 3k and 4k full of terrible players
