I Started Playing MMR Dota 2.

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I am Djardei from Philippines, a Dota 2 enthusiast and player. I mostly play pub games in SEA Region (As suggested in Region Selection Option of the game based on your location). I started playing Dota 2 in year 2012 with friends in a cafe shop or computer shop near our house. The time I started playing Dota I felt bad and not really good in the game and my party team friends feels mad at me sometimes due to my terrible mistakes and an unstoppable hero feeding in game. Although I have a little experience and some idea in Dota 1 but that wasn't enough to be able to apply it in Dota 2, there are a lot of tip-top and good Dota players in Dota 2 during that time by reason of Chinese players also are playing in the same region with Asian players. Most Chinese are good in Dota and there are a lot of Chinese teams in top rank Dota 2 tournaments. During that time there were no China region so Chinese players are also playing in SEA Region due to that reason it causes more lags and delay in game, and to minimize the game lags and delay, Valve Dota added China and some other region and countries to the Dota 2 Regional Selection. I only knew few heroes to play with that time, my friends just taught me how to play every hero. Now my level in my Dota 2 Profile is more than 150 and it was a good run for me from the past few years having an equal number now in my win and lost rate in my Dota 2 profile. As Dota 2 also features an MMR or a Matchmaking Rating in your profile, I immediately tried to play Ranked matchmaking in order to reveal my MMR rating in my Profile. By the way, you have to be at least level 13 in your Dota profile in order to play at a ranked matchmaking.

My Dota 2 MMR

When I started playing at ranked matchmaking, after my first ranked match game my MMR did not appear immediately, all I can see in my Dota 2 MMR profile is "TBD" which means "To be Determined" then I realized that you have to play several times in ranked matchmaking so that Dota 2 can tabulate your Matchmaking rating from the number of your ranked matchmaking games. After I have played MMR match several times, my MMR does appear in my profile and it shows 2,875 in the Party MMR section and my Solo MMR is still TBD (Note: There is Party MMR and Solo MMR in your Profile). I'm not usually playing solo matchmaking because my friends does invite me always to a team party to play with them. One thing I have noticed about MMR, when you play in a Solo ranked matchmaking and you always play a support role in your team you will get low MMR, due to the losses and due to your team carry that cannot carry the game well, that is just my own opinion. Also, the time my Solo MMR materialize it shows 2,925. Now I have more than 1,000 games in my Dota profile. However I am not satisfied of my MMR rating. Someday I will create a new Steam account for a new Dota profile in order to increase my MMR record, I will be studying my entire match and game while I am developing my in-game skills and improve my hero ability tactics and meta. I will be posting my study and my MMR progress here, so stay connected.
I Started Playing MMR Dota 2. I Started Playing MMR Dota 2. Reviewed by Djardei on 3:57 AM Rating: 5

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