First Game of MMR Calibration and Different Game Ruiners.

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Such a good start of my first game of MMR calibration. My performance in the game was spectacular, I dominate the game and even outplayed my opponent in mid lane with my Storm Spirit hero. My Storm Spirit got 54  creep score and 28 denies in just 8 minutes of the game and has a score of 14 kills, 6 deaths, 13 assists and 243 last hits the whole game. In playing MMR matches, during picking f heroes the player who has a higher MMR among the others, his MMR will appear in the top right? But during my first game of MMR calibration the MMR from both teams shows TBD which means "To Be Determined", so I don't have any idea yet if what range is my MMR. My first's MMR match game duration was 55 minutes and it was a close game. There's Troll hero and Tiny in the opponent's lineup so we haven't ended the game so early. However their Tiny and Ogre Magi feeds so we take it as an advantage in winning the match. Maybe they just don't have a proper coordination or team play that's why some of their ally feeds in the match. Anyway it wasn't a intentional feeding and their mid laner Lina also dominates in the game so it's hard for us to win the match immediately, also their Troll was on free farm and I thought we can't handle that Troll in late game. Fortunately we manage to wipe them out after I have finished building my Scythe of Vyse. item to disable Troll or Lina. My team has coordination and participation with each other that's why we have executed our initiation successfully. I don't think that our opponent has coordination. Coordination and participation on a team is important in winning a match, without those you won't be able to succeed in pushing the enemy's base and barracks and probably you won't be able to win the match.

I am thinking sometimes that, what if I will encounter a game ruiners like what I encounter in my first MMR calibration match, like feeders, game thrower and quitters. What I hate the most in a game match is that there is a game thrower in your team. A game thrower is a player that want to throw the game or want to get lost in the near end of the match. What a game thrower does in a game? Most game throwers are carry heroes, they farm hard in the match and build Divine rapier in late game, whether he has a reserved gold for buyback or not he will still buy a Divine Rapier and will probably don't want to stick with his team, if he dies the Divine Rapier will be dropped in the ground and an enemy will take it. This happens when the game is crucial.

Aside from game thrower I also hate quitters. Quitters are just ruining the game, they are the players that don't mind about having low prior penalty and low MMR. Yes, quitters also exists in MMR matches. However there are also reasons why some players quit, probably a electric power problem or an areal blackout/brownout, this happens often in some provinces of the Philippines.

If you will encounter those game thrower and quitters in your MMR match you will just get disappointed, especially when you are raising your MMR rating and 1 of your ally is a game thrower your MMR will surely decrease. I really hate those players who throws and quit games. I don't want them to be a ally during my matches of MMR calibration.
First Game of MMR Calibration and Different Game Ruiners. First Game of MMR Calibration and Different Game Ruiners. Reviewed by Djardei on 9:58 PM Rating: 5

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