Fast Push Base Race in Low Priority Penalty. Valve Fix This!

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Indeed Valve Dota has changed the game mode in Low Priority penalty to All Random Matchmaking only. However, it doesn't mean that the all random game mode in Low Priority penalty will be played as normal match or game, players who plays in Low priority penalty has made a changes in the match, they made the game different from the game Dota which is the Defense of the Ancient and to be played by defending their tower and Ancients. The said players in LPP will make rules in the match which they have only to push 1 lane only as well as the opponent. For example, Radiant team will push top lane and Dire team will push bottom lane. It is more likely a base race push match. They made it this way so that the game will end immediately and to lessen the number to be played in All Random Low priority penalty fast and easy. It is obviously not a fun game anymore or even a normal game, even though players will still acquire battle points and game experiences after the game for their profile level but still they never mind the battle points and experiences, what they want is to play the All Random mode in a base race fast push gameplay to finish the games in LPP or get out of the LPP.

Low Priority Dota 2

Valve should fix this issue about the base race fast game push in All Random Low Priority penalty or Valve should add 1, 2 or more game mode like Single Draft, Least Played and Random Draft game mode in LPP. Adding Single Draft, Least Played and Random Draft in LPP matchmaking will sure minimize the base race fast push gameplay because players can pick their desired hero or other heroes to play with in SD mode, Least played and Random Draft, unlike the All Random game mode which they can not pick their desired hero to play and to have fun with in the match.

A lot of players are complaining about the All Random game mode in LPP. For them, the 5 games in LPP matchmaking is a waste of time so they made up a different way to play the All Random in LPP. Instead of defending their Ancients they rushly push 1 lane to end the game immediately. Their main goal is to end the match by just pushing 1 lane until they reach the enemy Ancient and end the match before the time reaches 10 minutes.
Fast Push Base Race in Low Priority Penalty. Valve Fix This! Fast Push Base Race in Low Priority Penalty. Valve Fix This! Reviewed by Cord Blood on 11:25 PM Rating: 5

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