How to Avoid Auto Disconnections and Lags in Custom Games.

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Some of the Dota 2 custom games are hosted by a dedicated server only like Epic Boss Fight, 10 vs 10 Dota, Overthrow games, Dota IMBA, Petri Reborn, Power Multiplier x 20, Life of Arena, Horde Wraith Knight expansion and Colesseum. These are the popular custom games of Dota 2 that being hosted through a dedicated server only and was just created by custom game creators and developers that's why it will lag and will auto disconnect someone from the game whenever the game starts. This auto disconnection when the game starts happens mostly in SEA region. When you play a custom game hosted by a dedicated server and don't want to encounter lags then you should not directly set the play button of that custom game otherwise you'll be disconnected when someone will auto disconnects from the said game.

Here's a tip on how to avoid auto disconnections and lags during your game in Dota custom game.

1. Go to custom games menu or Arcade.
2. Click on Lobby list under Arcade.
3. Search for your specific custom game in the search filter.
4. Find the nearest region for your desired custom game then join the game.

These days, Valve has introduced the Dota 2 Custom game passes. This is to support and give credentials to the custom game creators. Now you cannot directly install and play your desired custom game in Dota 2 Arcade, you will have to subscribe or purchase a custom game pass in order to play a custom game in Dota arcade.

Custom game pass Disconnections

How to Avoid Auto Disconnections and Lags in Custom Games. How to Avoid Auto Disconnections and Lags in Custom Games. Reviewed by Cord Blood on 9:38 PM Rating: 5

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