Lifestealer Strategy Against Ursa and Huskar by Miracle.

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Watch this Miracle Lifestealer gameplay against over powered heroes Ursa and Huskar. He can easily eliminate Ursa and Huskar alone or in a 1 versus 1 situation, he built Diffusal blade, Monkey King bar, Skull Basher, Assault cuirass and Sange and Yasha on Lifestealer. Miracle also made an infest to ancient creeps and attack enemy units through ancient creep's abilities. If you want to counter Huskar and Ursa then this Miracle Lifestealer strategy and built is the answer for your question. Miracle also has made some funny moments from his gameplay, with Miracle's infest strategy you will laugh hard when you see him infest on a cart like a normal dire cart and suddenly surprise Mirana when he came out of the cart, Mirana was really shocked when Lifestealer came out of the cart. The second time he infested into a creep he's been compromised and have been eliminated by enemy heroes. Just watch the video below and learn a lot from Miracle and his Lifestealer.

Miracle Strategy Infest

Lifestealer Strategy Against Ursa and Huskar by Miracle. Lifestealer Strategy Against Ursa and Huskar by Miracle. Reviewed by Cord Blood on 7:57 PM Rating: 5

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