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I just have created a new Steam account for a new Dota 2 profile for snowballing my MMR as what I have stated from some of my posts. Later this afternoon I was supposed to open my Steam account to play some ranked matchmaking in Dota 2 but then I remember that I must try to create a new Dota 2 account to reset and expand my MMR record. After I have created an account I immediately play a number of pub game match to get some level, and while I'm still in a low level I picked carry role heroes like Phantom Assassin and Troll Warlord for the most part to boost my win rate. Although winning in pub games doesn't give you MMR points but it does count to your win rate in your Dota 2 profile and fortunately, from my 12 games of normal matches I only lost 1 game so it is a good start for boosting my win rate in my Dota profile. Having more wins than losses is a great result in my MMR boosting process, also for my first day I have 11 wins and 1 lost.
By the way, when you play solo in ranked matchmaking or even in normal match you should have coordination with your team so that your team play and initiations would be more organized, although there are some players that would not cooperate to his team especially in some region like SEA some players are not listening to his team mates, you have to cooperate to your team for a better match and for a positive game results and more chances of winning the match. Also in picking heroes, if 4 of your teams already picked carry heroes and you haven't picked any hero yet then you should pick a support hero to assist your team by healing them in team fights in order for them to be more tanky, buy wards (To avoid enemy team gank), purchase courier or even stack neutral creeps in farm site for your jungle carry to fasten the growth of their wealth and gold per second. A team must have 1 support hero at least, besides in some Dota 2 pro teams they have 2 supports, 1 offlaner and 2 core carry heroes, it just all depends on a team and team captain how he will handle and manage his team with his game strategy and meta. However, in pub games there is no team captain and you don't even know your teammates so communication and cooperation of each other is needed in order to have a big chance of winning the match.
I will show you some early game lane strategy. (n-n-n = Top lane - Mid lane - Bottom lane)
a.) 2-1-2 - This is the classic lane strategy, mostly performed in pub games. This shows 2 in top lane (1 support and 1 carry), 1 mid (Carry or Initiator) and also 2 in bottom lane (Carry and support).
b.) 3-1-1 - This is a babysit strategy, can be seen in premium or amateur tournaments. 3 in top lane (2 support and 1 carry), 1 mid (Carry or Initiator) and 1 bottom lane (Offlane).
c.) 2-2-1 or 1-2-2 - This is a Mid lane babysit. 2 heroes in midlane (1 carry and 1 support), 1 offlane and 2 bottom or top lane.
d.) 2-1-1 - This is a lane strategy if your team has 1 support that stacks neutral creeps. Also if 1 of your team is a jungler carry.
Actually there are too many strategy in Dota 2, all you need to do is to explore the game so that you can find your own strategy and apply it when you play in pub games or in tournaments with your team. Anyway I will keep you updated if I found new meta and strategies in Dota. I hope this post helps.
I Can't Play Ranked Matchmaking Yet.
Reviewed by Djardei
8:22 PM
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